Friday, April 24, 2009

rmbot mangkok..hahaa

pg atie ajk tgk jgn tego..kite mcm ti teman ptg rmbot lu bleyh x?
atie cm berehh..haha..

smpai di kedai gunting rmbot..

kila:ti awk jgn cm babi pendek rmbot kite siap kau..
atie:x la setan kite tunjuk la kt cina tu doe..
kila:haa ok..

belek belek buku rmbot..hahaha

atie:haa kila awk ptg rmbot cmnieh la..cute tau..awk ptg rmbot dpn pendek cmnieh k..
kila:ahh kau cm nk majal aku je..hahaha..keleakar kot cmnieh..
atie:x la setan..lawa doe dh la ptg je la..
cina ptg rmbot:adk sye ptg rmbot awk buat trtmnt bg ubt sket bg nnti nmpk berkilat..ok?semuanye 160..
kila:haaaa..ape mahal sngt?hahaha..x pe la..cuci ngn ptg je la ok..
cina:ok la sye kurng ok adk rm95 ok?
kila:eyh x nk la..sye x bwk bynk duit nieh..
cina:ha ok la adk rm58 bolh ke?
kila:ha tu boleh la..hahahahaha

tgh ptg ptg rmbot..atie dtg
atie:kila asl pndk sngt doe rmbot dpn awk..
kila:kau jgn cm babi ti..hahahaha..aku tampa kau kang..eyh uu pnjng sket la rmbot dpn nieh boleh x?
cina:adk belom siap lg nieh..nnti dulu la..
kila:ha ok..babi kau tii..hahaha

selang beberape minit

ha ok ke dik rmbot nieh?
atie?mcm x ptg je uncle?
cina:td kate mahu blkng pnjng..nnti sye ptg blkng dpn kne lg pendek laa..
kila:ha okla nieh ok..

kuar dr saloon..
atie:kia sebaek ok doe lps dh mule2 kelakar giler..
kila:hahahaha..aku lg cuak ti..waakaka..mmg mcm mngkok rmbot aku.hahaha

smpai rumah..cover2 mbot..haha

mak:sya asl rmbot kau mcm babidoll?
kila:cute kn?hahahaahhhaa
amy:sya asl rmbot kau mcm hantu dlm cite cina tu..
firdaus:sya asl rbot kau cmtu?cm gedik doe..ingt cntk ke..
iwan:sya kau bru ptg rmbot eyh?
kila:aah asl?cntk x?
iwan:x cantik sngt la..
kila:babi kau laaa..ahahahaha

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

kak anna..hehe

kak anna berkate:

Kila, ur my best friend n my pet lil sista. Because you can do what no one else can, you make me feel like me. With you, I don't have to put on a fake personality to try and fit in. If I find something funny when I'm with you I just laugh. If I'm being stupid, you'll tell me. If I trip and fall, you'll laugh and then help me up and give me a hug, which is exactly what I need. If I'm upset you'll ask me what's wrong, but instead of letting me cry for hours about it you'll say something, make me laugh and forget it immediately, No one else can do that. With you, I don't have to pretend to be someone I'm not, I can just be me, and I love that feeling. If I'm in trouble you'd be there to help me through it. If I lose faith in myself I know you have faith in me. When I'm with you, it's just fun, I don't have to worry about being someone who knows everything, or someone that's loud and hyper. I'm just me. And I love spending time with you, because even though I have a lot of flaws, and I'm far from perfect, you still accept me as me, which is something no one else does.

So, really what I want to say, is thank you with all my heart, for being the best friend I've ever had, and for making me feel like me and be confident in myself. Basically thanks for just being you! You truly are my best friend